F.I.A.T. S.R.L.


Transformers For Boilers

We produce insulation transformers for domestic and condominium boilers for installation technicians.

Network Distributors And Stabilizers

We create standard and custom products to improve the performance of your Hi-Fi system.

Repair Of Hi Fi Equipment 

We repair and modify your modern and vintage hi-hi equipment of any brand.

Distribution Tektron Artigianaudio

We are distributors in Rome of the products of the ArtigianAudio and Tektron companies for which wealso provide technical assistance.

Single And Three-phase Transformers – Electric Coils

We create standard and specific products of single-three-phase, toroidal transformers, inductances,ferrites .Repairs are carried out.

Charges For Electric Cars

We supply equipment to solve any problem for home charging of electric cars by providing assistanceand installation.



